Homestay Reflections

This post features the group’s reflections about their homestays in Osimo.

“I learned that family isn’t who you are blood related to, but who you feel connected to.”
– Sophie

“I was able to experience and live the laid back and enjoyable life as a teenager in Ancona while bonding with an amazing group of people and family.”
– Jacob

“Italian tomato and mozzarella is far, far better than American tomato and mozzarella.”
– James

“My family made me feel at home instantly. They were extremely inclusive and were excited to share their culture with me.”
– Jordan

“This was an unforgettable experience that made me truly understand and live the Italian life with incredible people.”
– Eva

“Despite the language barrier, my family welcomed me into their home with open arms. I will be forever thankful.”
– Schuyler

“Experiencing Italian culture first hand is the best and only way to really learn about and appreciate their everyday life.”
– Hillary

“It’s possible to become a family over the course of one week.”
– Suze

“My family was so welcoming as soon as I met them. They introduced me to the Italian culture and made me feel like a part of the family instantly.”
– Samantha R.

“The endless supply of kindness and affection provided by my family is something I will always cherish!”
– Hailey

“It was such an amazing opportunity to experience Italian culture first hand, and definitely a highlight of the trip so far!”
– Livi

“In one week I spent more time on the beach than every other summer combined.”
– Joe

“I danced a lot, and that was pretty great.”
– Lucas

“This week was amazing — whether we were hanging out on the beach or dancing to ‘Bailando’ in a park, every moment was a memory I’ll hold for a long time.”
– Samantha S.

“I’ve felt so comfortable with my family and have had so much fun with the kids. I have a hard time believing this trip will get any better, because this week has been so crazy wonderful.”
– Milena

“I learned two things: one, Italians are the kindest people you will ever meet, and two, I actually like Italian food.”
– Emma

“It was a cultural experience of a lifetime that couldn’t have been any better.”
– Dante

“I witnessed an Italian family first hand and I can say that (1) there is a lot of yelling involved and (2) there is a lot of love to be shared. I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
– Claire




