
This post features student writing. Hey there, it’s Sophie! After returning from our bike trip, during which we split into two groups (Team Alpha and The Little Dutch Girls) for a week, we were all happy to come back together for one last adventure! Amsterdam…

Photo update from Cara’s group!

Below is a photo update from Cara’s group’s bike tour in Holland (July 21-26). Today the entire group left Heemskerk and headed to Amsterdam to finish their program.

Biking in Holland

The group is split into two smaller groups for this portion of the program. Here’s a photo update from Terrell’s group.  

Windmills and Tulips and Beaches…Oh My!

The group is split into two smaller biking groups for this portion of the program. Here’s an update from Cara’s group. Hello there! Cara here, writing from our lovely hostel in Noordwijk. After the hustle and bustle of city life, we are very much enjoying…

Au revoir Paris, Hallo Nederland!

This post features student writing. Hello, Jacob here! The group started our last day in Paris with a tour of the massive Louvre museum. Led by a knowledgeable guide, we fought our way through a crowd of tourists to see some incredible works of art,…


Bonjour from leaders Cara and Terrell! Paris has been a whirlwind of excitement! From captivating works of art and stunning architecture to mouthwatering macaroons and French cuisine, this has been a trip to remember. We kicked off Paris with a guided tour of Musée D’Orsay,…

The Dolomites

After spending a week in Osimo for our homestay, we boarded a scenic bus ride on Sunday and headed to Northern Italy to explore the Dolomites. Even though the Swiss Alps were quite a view, the Dolomites take the cake. Reaching Madonna di Campiglio, we…

Homestay Reflections

This post features the group’s reflections about their homestays in Osimo. “I learned that family isn’t who you are blood related to, but who you feel connected to.” – Sophie “I was able to experience and live the laid back and enjoyable life as a…